beach bound - almost

I woke up this morning so excited! Why? Well, Jennie and I were supposed to be taking the kids to the beach. I got out of bed and could hardly keep myself from waking up Richie. I waited for him to wake up on his own. Then I rushed like a mad person to get him dressed and the diaper bag packed so I would be ready by the time Jennie and I set, 10:00. I was calling Jennie all morning with no answer. I figured she was trying to get her and Alaina ready. She finally picked up at 10 minutes to 10. She sounded like sand paper. You know, the painful and scratchy sound two pieces of sand paper make when you rub them together. Yeah, that is the sound that came through the phone masquerading as Jennie's voice.

Jennie has gotten sick from Amara now too. First Richie got sick, then Alaina, and now Jennie. I refuse to get sick! In order to secure my immunity, I spent all day with Jennie. And we ate ice cream from Cold Stone. It's good for what ails ya! I wish we could have gone to the beach but I would have hated for Jennie to have a horrible time. Alaina is still pretty sick too, and the beach is breezy on the warmest day.

I was hoping my dad would be able to get time off work tomorrow because I haven't really gotten to spend any time with him since I've been here. We were going to make a trip into San Francisco. However, it's looking like he will only get half a day off, at the most. What a way to end my vacation!

I am looking forward to being home. It's comfortable, familiar, and affordable. California is so gosh darn expensive it's hard to comprehend moving back. Texas is a nice place to settle down and raise a family. I don't need the hustle, the bustle or the smog. It is nice having places to shop besides your friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart, but nothing beats a breath of fresh air. And reasonable gas prices. There are so many reasons to stay far from this evil money devouring pit. And so many things that keep bringing me back.

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