Poetic Injustice

Wading navel-deep in liberal feminism, it's difficult at times to remember the male portion of the gender pool has emotional depth and, sometimes more so than it's female counterpart. I plead guilty on at least 9 previous counts of judging-a-book-by-its-cover, as well as 3 1/2 counts of over-dramatizing a situation as a means of ignoring the feelings of a man. It's hard to raise yourself to be a compassionate soul, especially when bred from bra-burners. Though young, the experiences of my love life (from married at 17 to solo mom in a single bound!) have taught me many things. One thing I know is that a good man (I mean a good man) is hard to find; they are out there, just not in great number. Unfortunately, too many women think that since there did exist a day when the fairer sex could not vote that men should suffer, without complaint. Apparently, I missed the part of my history class where the teacher discussed the unjust oppression of women. I will probably get kicked out of the ol' maids club for this. They might even take away my Bedazzler.

I'll deal.

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